Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

ala major (par)

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Home page TAH partonomy
Top level systema skeletale Short Extended
Level 2 ossa cranii Short Extended
Level 3 os sphenoidale Short Extended
Current level ala major (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
52868 513 tax
ala major (par)
greater wing (pair)
53149 514 tax
facies cerebralis alae majoris (par)
cerebral surface of greater wing (pair)
53150 515 tax
facies temporalis alae majoris (par)
temporal surface of greater wing (pair)
53151 516 tax
facies infratemporalis alae majoris (par)
infratemporal surface of greater wing (pair)
54793 517 tax
crista infratemporalis (par)
infratemporal crest (pair)
75321 518 tax
facies maxillaris alae majoris (par)
maxillary surface of greater wing (pair)
53153 519 tax
facies orbitalis alae majoris (par)
orbital surface of greater wing (pair)
53512 520 tax
margo zygomaticus alae majoris (par)
zygomatic margin of greater wing (pair)
53510 521 tax
margo frontalis alae majoris (par)
frontal margin of greater wing (pair)
53511 522 tax
margo parietalis alae majoris (par)
parietal margin of greater wing (pair)
53513 523 tax
margo squamosus alae majoris (par)
squamosal margin of greater wing (pair)
53154 524 tax
foramen rotundum (par)
foramen rotundum (pair)
53155 525 tax
foramen ovale (par)
foramen ovale (pair)
54785 526 tax
(foramen venosum (par) )
(sphenoidal emissary foramen (pair))
53156 527 tax
foramen spinale (par)
foramen spinosum (pair)
53158 528 tax
(foramen petrosum (par) )
(foramen petrosum (pair))
54777 529 tax
spina ossis sphenoidalis (par)
spine of sphenoid (pair)
75761 530 tax
sulcus tubae auditivae (par) ; sulcus tubae auditoriae (par)
sulcus of auditory tube (pair)
18 lines
100.0 %
38.9 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 513
Number of children 53 (validated)
Number of units 18 (validated)
Signature 12327 (validated since 2.7.2024)
Date: 04.07.2024